



Wittner Finetune-Peg

David Kim, Concertmaster, Philadelphia Orchestra

"With the amount of playing, travel, and weather change that I experience, keeping my Guadagnini consistently and well tuned is a constant challenge. Now with my new Finetune Pegs, the days of taking my strings off to apply and reapply peg compound, struggling with the slipping of pegs - sometimes even during concerts - are now gone. I find that I check and recheck my tuning as much as I always did, but now it is to quickly and happily fine tune - using my pegs - and to enjoy the consistent pitch that I so need and value. My A string fine tuner is now gone and I really don't need one for my E string anymore. Every string player should run out and get a set of Finetune Pegs: they are indispensable."

David Kim
Concertmaster, Philadelphia Orchestra

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